Intensive Math Booster


YLC Intensive Math Booster targets the core heuristic (different approaches to solving problem sums) concepts that are frequently tested in exams. This intensive course will focus on reinforcing students’ current knowledge. It will also provide them with the core building blocks of heuristic problem solving skills. The year-end workshop will focus on the syllabus for the next level of study. This ensures that students are equipped with the necessary skills for the coming academic year.

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This workshop will focus on:

P2 to P3


P4 to P5


P3 to P4


P5 to P6


Heuristic Problem Solving Skills


Developed by ex-MOE teachers and PSLE markers, the distinctiveness of the Math Booster lies in its progressive and systematic approach (matrix-method_tm-3) of classifying complex math problem sums to facilitate effective and efficient learning, understanding, recall and revision.

The framework of the Math Booster programme first organises questions by topics then by types, as math problems of similar types have same approaches and concepts. Our worksheets are designed following this framework and will allow your child to apply his/her learning in a disciplined and consistent manner, as the mathematical concepts would be deep rooted in your child’s mind with the constant application.

Nurture your child into an independent learner with a confidence boost through the Math Booster programme!


The  matrix-method_tm-3  has successfully developed students’ mathematical ability.

All mathematical topics and concepts contain some ‘sub-topics’ and ‘sub-concepts’ that are usually mixed and combined by examiners to challenge your child. We simplify the problem solving process by classifying each topic and concept and teach your child to use the best solving methods for each mathematical problem.

The  matrix-method_tm-3  was developed based on extensive research on Singapore’s top primary school examination papers to understand how diverse concepts are applied and tested in problem sums. It was found that for every basic concept there will be many ‘sub-concepts’ that can be applied in a problem sum question to test your child’s understanding and ability. Take for an example, the basic concept of ‘Part & Whole’ contains more than 10 different ‘sub-concepts’ that can complicate the question, resulting in no one single method to solve questions of similar concept.

Identifying which appropriate method to use for each problem sum is challenging as concepts and sub-concepts can be tested in a variety of ways. To overcome this issue, we will teach your child to classify each concept and tag the best solving methods to it throughout the programme. Once your child has mastered topics and concepts of a field, he/she will be able to progress to the next level.



Date Time  Total Duration Price
26 Dec 16 10.00am – 12.00pm 6 hours $195.00
(Inclusive of GST)
27 Dec 16
28 Dec 16


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